Annual Diaspora Partner’s Meeting and Stress Management Training

Annual Diaspora Partner’s Meeting

January 13, 2020

The annual diaspora partners’ meeting was initiated by NATCCO Network under Ms. Lasalette Gumban. It was attended by coops serving OFWs in the nation, in which all of the coops attendees are required to report regarding the number of Overseas Filipino (OF) and Overseas Filipino Families (OFFM), their deposits, programs and activities conducted by the cooperative. Also, each cooperative was provided a template on the 2020 targets as reflected on the balanced scorecard. This template will be used as the basis for the implementation of the programs, targets, and improvements for the year.

Some of the most important topics discussed and possible for an implementation to our coop are:

  1. Streamlining online the coop programs and services and connecting them to our OFWs for faster updates about the coop. (e.g. Coop social media accounts, Coop page, and Coop Facebook Online)
  2. Possible creation of Coop Counseling Committee for the distressed OF and is responsible for creating new programs and services centered towards the OF and OFFM. Also, the committee’s function shall include identifying areas for collective improvement through programs locally and overseas.
  3. Celebration of International Day of Family Remittances on July 16. Focal Person shall facilitate the creation of programs and activities directed towards OF and OFFM.
  4. Utilization of Skype for online PMES for OF who wish to join the cooperative.
  5. Distribution of BMPC brochure to be used during a roadshow to other countries. This will improve the image of the cooperative towards OFs.
  6. Another strategy towards gaining new OF members is conducting PMES or Financial Literacy to institutions who like Maritime Schools, Nursing Schools or training centers for Domestic Helpers.
  7. Proper documentation and reposting of deposits coming from OF and OFFM by seeking assistance from Accounting and System Provider. (eg. Checklist if OF/OFFM after signature during OM, generating ESOF accounts, Quarterly reporting of CRS)
  8. Parenting Seminar and Financial Literacy with training provider coming from Ateneo LSE or Ugat Foundation

Stress Management Training

January 14-17, 2020

Cooperative as an organization has its own internal problems. Like any organization, coops staff also experiences stress and problems with communicating towards co-workers. NATCOO being coop’s partner towards development sees the opportunity and the need to conduct Stress Management Training to the managers and coop leaders.

  1. Stress is evident in every Organization. It affects all staff, both managers and workers. As every person is different from one another, so is true when coping from stress.
  2. There are two types of stress, the distress and the eustress. A healthy balance with the two creates a motivated, determined and strong willed employee.
  3. It is important to know the causes of stress, how to cope with it and know the level of stress you are experiencing right now.
  4. Plotting/Mapping your relationship towards your family and co-workers is also helpful in determining how your relationship towards them is is affecting you.
  5. Conducting the Stress Management Training as part of our program for our staff is definitely recommended to improve the emotional state of our staff.


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