Compliance Training on Fundamentals of Cooperative

One of the compliance training required by the CDA for the Coop’s Officers and Staff is the Fundamentals of Cooperative. The training is a 16-hour seminar-workshop that covers the fundamental knowledge of cooperatives that all cooperative officers should have. Barbaza MPC conducted the in house training together with AFFCUI last June 29-30, 2019, held at Coop Ocean View Resort, Barbaza, Antique.


Able to explain the fundamentals of cooperative thought and practices,

Can Identify and verbalize the important legal underpinnings of cooperatives;

Can formulate and explain plans, programs, and policies of the cooperative

The course in compliance to the requirements of Art. 44 RA 9520, as further defined and implemented by Rule 7 of the Revised Rules and Regulation Implementing Certain and Special Provisions of Republic Act No. 9520 and the CDA Memorandun Circulat: 2015-09.


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