Free Face Shield Program Sept. 2020

Data shows that there is a gradual increase of cases of COVID-19 in the country and the demand for the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) also increases. It is the basis of the DILG and DOH to require the mandatory wearing of face shields especially in public places. Barbaza MPC will augment on this requirement by giving free face shields to its members upon meeting certaing criteria:
A. New Members or Members with Share Capital below Php2,500.00 will avail a free faceshield if they can deposit atleast Php500.00 additional share capital or meet the minimum Paid Up Share Capital.
B. Members with Php 2,500.00 Share Capital or more will avail a free faceshield if they can deposit atleast Php 100.00 additional share capital.
C. New Subscribers of CATV and Internet or upgrade to Internet.
Avail your free face shield now in our office by deositing additional share capital to your account. Tara na!!!
#FreeFaceMask #BarbazaMPC
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