Gender and Sensitivity Training at Barbaza MPC

Based on the Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01 of the Philippine Commission on Women, various government are currently focusing its effort on the institutionalization of Gender and Development( GAD).For Barbaza MPC ,it’s the cooperative’s priority  and concerns to mainstream and include GAD policies and issues in its respective programs and projects.


In doing so, the management fully understand and appreciate its concept and legal mandates as well appreciate the importance of gender perspective in the office so that they can acquire basic knowledge in analysing gender issues

With this, Barbaza MPC conducted the first Gender and Sensitivity Training for Board of Directors, Officers of each Committee and employees of every branch on August 2, 2015 at Tibiao Central School ,Tibiao, Antique.

Ms, Corazon Tingson,Chairman Committee gives her welcome remarks and introduction of GAD and its purpose as well as introduce the resource speaker. She further stress that the attendee of the said training will appreciated the significance GAD training in attaining the coop’s mission and vision .She adds that the program that we will implement in the near future will benefit and create opportunities for both men and women the  workplace to attain growth within.

Dr. Maria H Cabag, Chief, Secondary Education and Planning, Policy and Research Division Department of Education served as the resource speaker. During the lecture ,DR Cabag points out the “Inspiring Change for Women and Men in Co-ops” .She discussed the basic GAD concept particularly the distinction between sex and gender and gender gap between men and women in the Philippines.

The participants actively participated in group activities including group discussions ,role play and ice breaker. Which helped them better appreciate and understand the topics discussed during the training.

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