Mid-Year Assessment

The Barbaza Multi-Purpose Cooperative held its Annual Midyear Assessment and Re-Planning last August 2, 2015at Tibiao Central School, Poblacion, Tibiao, Antique in which all officers and staff of the cooperative had gathered to discuss on how well the cooperative is doing for the past six months.

The activity started with a welcome remarks and introduction of BMPC officers by Mr, Felimon M. Espares, The General Manager and CEO of Barbaza MPC. It was followed by introducing the new staff of the cooperative by Mr. Alexander Amantillo Jr., HRDO of the cooperative.

Furthermore, Mr. Rodolfo C. Fernandez, the Executive Assistant had discussed and reviewed the eight goals of the 5-year development plan of the cooperative highlighting the different strategies on how to reach targets and objectives of the organization and at the same time presented the hindering effects of these goals. This was presented for the benefit of the officers and staffs that were not present during the managers meeting held last July31 to August 1, 2015.

The eight development goals has key areas specifically for membership, officership, management and staff, products and services, COOP-PESOS standards, community development, advocacy programs and public image..

After which, the comparison of the targets vis-avis actual generation of savings, loan releases, portfolio at risk, membership updates, among others was also presented.

Before the activity ends, an open forum was held.

The Mid year assessments objective is to the review business processes and determine the progress and efficiency of operations, update of accomplishments and realigning plans and activities for the remaining months of the year to ensure that the institutions goals were achieved.

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