Natural & Organic Farming


-Livelihood opportunities for the members of BMPC are the center of the 3 day Natural Farming System Technology Seminar held in Dreamer’s Valley at Tigbauan, Iloilo.

Every branch of BMPC sends a staff representative to attend the said seminar. On the first day, they were given information about livestock, pigs and poultry raising and how to make an organic feeds,  and how to make different pigpen or sty; on the second day, they were taught about fermentation, concoction (mixing ingredients), how to make organic sprays, medical farming, herbs, juice preparations and food processing; on the third day, Agri-preneur was introduced to the participants on how to make business out of their learnings all throughout the seminar.

The organizer assured that they have existing partners such as hotels and restaurants in the region who will buy the products as soon as the Barbaza MPC implement the program to its members using the Natural Farming System Technology.

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