Aflayouth Teacher’s Training

Barbaza Multi-Purpose Cooperative concluded its Aflayouth Teacher’s Training for Year 2 last December 3-4, 2022. This training was facilitated by Master Trainers, Ryan Alabado and Elaine Talagtag, and NATCCO’s Children and Youth Unit Head, Hazel Ann Modino.
Let’s welcome the new Aflayouth partner schools:
1. Tario Lim National High School
2. Sta. Justa National High School
3. La Paz Integrated School
Sincerest gratitude to DepEd Division of Antique for their support and approval of the program. This program is well-supported by Barbaza MPC’s Chief Executive Officer, Leonil Alabado. We are looking forward to the continuous expansion and appreciation of the program’s curriculum to this generation’s learners!
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