Barbaza Multi-Purpose Cooperative 56th Founding Anniversary

Barbaza Multi-Purpose Cooperative celebrated its 56th Founding Anniversary last July 20, 2020. This marks another milestone for the coop that stood strong and faced all the hurdles and challenges for all those years.  For a meaningful celebration of the Anniversary, Barbaza MPC facilitated several activities that gives importance to the members cooperators, the environment and the community as a whole.

  1. A simultaneous tree planting activity was done on July 18, 2020 across 10 Barbaza MPC branches in the Region.

Barbaza Main Office

Culasi Branch

Sibalom Branch

San Jose Branch

Balasan Branch

Barotac Viejo Branch

Caticlan Branch

Molo Branch

Kalibo Branch

Janiuay Branch


2. Barbaza MPC also held Coop Blood Drive on all 10 Branches in different schedules:

Sibalom and San Jose Branch

July 15, 2020

Barbaza Main Office and Culasi Branch

July 20, 2020

Janiuay Branch

July 20, 2020

Barotac Viejo Branch

July 21, 2020

Molo Branch

July 27, 2020

Balasan Branch

July 28, 2020

Caticlan Branch

August 5, 2020

Kalibo Branch

August 6, 2020

3. Free Pocket Alcohol, Facemask and Multi-Vitamins was given to transacting members who manages to qualify in certain criteria such as updating their loan payment, deposit a minimum amount in their savings and share capital account and those who applied for a regular member on the day of the anniversary,  July 20, 2020.

4. Trivia Questions thru Local Channel and Facebook Live – serves as teaser activities to increase awareness and social media engagement to our members with regards to the Anniversary Celebration.

5. Photo Booth in every branch – a remembrance taken with our members in celebrating with us the 56th Founding Anniversary of Barbaza MPC.


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